
Funny Dog Names


You know how hard it may be to decide on which dog or breed of dog to buy, you know how difficult it may be to convince the members of the family that you want to have a dog and that you will take care of him in a proper way. Nevertheless, there is something which may seem easy but it is not. Quite the opposite in fact, naming your dog may turn out to be a complete nightmare if you do not take the time and energy to do it right.

Buying a dog can be quite painstaking, altering your whole lifestyle can be nerve wracking at first, but if on top of that, your dog does not look or resemble or the effort you had to put together to buy him and make him adapt to your way of life, the whole situation may turn out to be rather disappointing.

Giving your dog a name requires your attention and dedication for some time. First of all you will need to consider that whenever your dog is called by the name it is because he had to learn it somehow. Therefore, it is really important to give your dog a name that is easy for him to learn as well as for you to remember.

Extravagant and presumed of names may well end up being called finally, puppy or doggie. You certainly do not wan that to happen. In order to give the dog an appropriate name you should also pay attention to his personality, his energy, his daily routine, etc.

Among the many styles of names that you can come up with, there are some which can be improved to become rather funny or at least striking, not the usual, silly or boring names.

Let' take a look at some possible alternatives:

For those dogs which have a funny appearance, names such as Buzie, Bungee or Buccy seem to be appropriate.

For those dogs which are as energetic as a bottle of Gatorade, a name such as Jazzy may sound ok. What about Jeopardy, for those intriguing dogs with that puzzling look?

Why not name him after someone famous you admire, for example if your dog is rather fat and his rotation is not very active, Homer would sound hilarious or even Barney, Homer's drinking friend. With smart, intelligent dogs, the option can be Lisa, if it is a female , it would sound just right.

Baldy for those dogs without much hair would seem suitable, Bingo if you are into casino games, or if you had luck in the past and want to remember that by naming your dog that way.

Finally, Magellan, a bit of history, for those intrepid dogs which like adventure so much, would sound a bit over the top but funny, nevertheless.

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